At 10:00 AM 6/3/2003, you wrote:
<map:generate src="..."/>
<map:transform type="xslt" src="..."/>
<map:redirect-to uri="chunk_{1}"/>

map:redirect-to issues a client side redirect. under what circumstances would you want to do that along with an pipeline content? are you looking for something like map:call? or map:aggregate?

Also it is not possible to use <map:read/> or <map:generate/> after a

Right, this is on purpose. If you need this, you should either use map:aggregate or xinclude or cinclude.

I tried also to use a XSL that produces input to xinclude but xinclude
can't wpork with cocoon:// URLs but needs a absolute path in the
So this also doesn't work.

Try cinclude.


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