Hello Rob,

to make it short:


Are absolute paths an option for you? Passing a base directory to FOP is not implemented in Cocoon'S FOPSerailizer.


Hi all,

I'm a bit of a Cocoon newbie so forgive me if there are any errors in the

In an attempt to push the use of DocBook for technical documentation within
our group I have been trialling its use and using Cocoon 2.0.4 as the
publishing framework. I have deployed this under tomcat-4.1.24 on Solaris 8
with j2sdk1.4.1_01. We are also using docbook-xsl-1.58.1 for the

We are mainly generating this into html and pdf for review and
distribution. Now I have replaced Xalan with Saxon the html seems be
working a lot better, faster and more reliable. One problem I am having is
with graphics in PDF files, if I include an imageobject element in the
docbook all works fine for html but with pdf the image fails to be
included. The following error occurs in both the error.log and the

ERROR   (2003-06-04) 08:51.35:216   [sitemap.serializer.fo2pdf.fop]
Thread-8/ExternalGraphic: Error while creating area : Error with image URL:
images/rpe006_1.png (No such file or directory) and no base directory is

A fragment from the docbook source used in this is as follows:

        <imagedata fileref="images/rpe006_1.png" format="PNG"/>

After searching through google etc. this seems to be because the somewhere
between Apache FOP and docbook-xsl a baseDir configuration parameter is
required when operating in a servlet environment. The following is one of
the references I found to this.


How do I approach getting this into my cocoon implementation ?
Has anyone had any experience of this ?
Is it docbook-xsl, FOP or Cocoon that is deficient in the treatment of
images and PDFs via this mechanism ?
Am I missing something or doing this incorrectly ?

FYI - I am pretty sure using this approach plus FOP all works from the
command line.

I would appreciate any help/advice on this. Equally if I should be
addressing this elsewhere then thats fine as well.

thanks in advance

Rob Exley
Senior Technical Consultant
Equifax Plc

tel: 01274 759610

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