Ok... it works perfectly thank to your sample Chris... thanks a lot.

I don't know why but I've just changed 'name="request-param"
type="request"' into 'name="request-param" type="all"'...

Thanks again to Chris and Antonio...


> Amelie Cordier wrote:
>>>Christian Haul dijo:
>> I've tried all the solutions you suggested to me but it doesn't work
>> and I can't find anything in the log files :(
> Please change the log level for sitemap to debug and look again.
> Which version of Cocoon are you using?
>> I may have badly explain my problem...because I don't want to update a
>> key field. As my english is poor, I think that an example is better
>> than a long explanation.
>> In my table I've the following records :
>> idA idB idC idD MyString
>> ------------------------
>> 1   3   5   6
>> 1   3   5   7
>> 1   5   5   9
>> And after the update, I want something like that :
>> idA idB idC idD MyString
>> ------------------------
>> 1   3   5   6   hello
>> 1   3   5   7   world
>> 1   5   5   9   !
> Right. I have made a small sample (although it uses only 2 keys) which
> does that. Please create a new table according to schema.sql and put the
>  other files into e.g. $HOME/public_html and go to
> http://localhost:8888/~acordier/ (in case you are running 2.1-dev on
> unix) The sample uses the personnel connection.
>> Here is a sample of code that I've tried. I've put idD either as a key
>> or as a value but with no results.
>>    <table name="mytable">
>>       <keys>
>>          <key name="idA" type="int">
>>             <mode name="request-param" type="request"/>
>>          </key>
>>       <key name="idB" type="int">
>>             <mode name="request-param" type="request"/>
>>          </key>
>>          <key name="idC" type="int">
>>             <mode name="request-param" type="request"/>
>>          </key>
>>       <key name="idD" type="int" set="master">
>>          <mode name="request-param" type="request"/>
>>      </key>
>>       </keys>
>>       <values>
>>       <value name="MyString" type="string" set="slave"/>
>>       </values>
>>    </table>
>> Once again, I'm lost
> This looks fine. The logs should shed some light on this.
>       Chris.
> --
> C h r i s t i a n       H a u l
>      fingerprint: 99B0 1D9D 7919 644A 4837  7D73 FEF9 6856 335A 9E08

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