On 11.Jun.2003 -- 02:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I don't know why, but it doesn't work with all tags, I have these three
> parameters: 
> <map:parameter name="rootdn"  value="corproot\{request-param:name}"/>
> <map:parameter name="password"  value="{request-param:password}"/> 
> <map:parameter name="filter"
> value="(&amp;(objectclass=User)(cn={request-param:name}))"/>
> But only the password works, rootdn and filter doesn't work...  I
> checked the form, and the parameter use to be the same!:

Could you check with something else than the ldap transformer? E.g. a
XSP or XSLT transform?

This is with version 2.0.4?

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