Tim Bachta wrote:
I am trying to do an if statement to select a template according to
and I want to do :

if(element(parameter-name) == BeginEndDate)
            do this;
else if (element(parameter-name) == Locations)
            do that;

XSLT questions are best sent to the XSL list: http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/

In either case, I had a few difficulties in deciphering your
problem description, but maybe you want
    <xsl:when test="parameter-name='BeginEndDate'">
      do this
    <xsl:when test="parameter-name='Locations'">
      do this

Perhaps you should buy yourself a good XSLT introduction book,
the XSL FAQ linked from the URL above has a list.


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