I'm using the 2.0.4 version of cocoon.
and i want ot protect my pages. I'm using the sunRise module to do this.... i folowed the exemple on this page : http://radio.weblogs.com/0103021/stories/2002/02/28/usingTheSunriseComponents.html
when i want to access on a page which is protected by the sunRise handler, the login pipeline always give me the error page (that i have configured in the login pipeline)... and in the sitemap.log i have always this warn:
WARN    (2003-06-17) 17:07.55:621   [sitemap] (/cocoon-dev/foo-authuser) tcpConnection-8080-0/sitemap_xmap: Error, try to process the error page
org.apache.avalon.framework.component.ComponentException: UnnamedSelector: ComponentSelector could not find the component for hint [XML]
Anyone have an idea ?
Thanks A lot

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