With some help from my friends I've been able to read largish XML clobs
into a session attributes using modular data base actions.

Unfortunately my hope of doing any actual xml processing on these suckers
using the session attribute generator (very cool) have failed miserably, as SAX & xsl processors
(I tried them all) refuse to accept the text as valid xml.

Ditto using the sql transformer. Drats!

Gentlemen -- I do hate to be an ungrateful spoiler-- this strikes me as a major shortcoming
in an environment that purports to support the development of xml based

If I were to write a custom action, is there any handy routine I could use to
rewrite my "xml clob" session attributes into a type acceptable to SAX &the xsl processors?
Do DBMS's adhere to some standard in this area? I'm using mysql.

Pray tell, what is the current best practice for processing xml clobs under cocoon? Does
esql offer help?


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