On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Peter J. Braam wrote:
> > | > We find /coda/tmp really handy around our cluster.  No tokens
> > | > needed, available everywhere.
> > |
> > | (religious comment: this is just plain wrong)
> How can an experience "we find" be wrong?  It would indeed take religion
> to object to that.  Many of us use /coda/tmp with pleasure to transport
> something from one machine to another.

Indeed, the reason we at OSC are interested in CODA at all is to have
a shared scratch space for a cluster of machines.  In our case, we're
running a Beowulf cluster, and some sort of fast, shared scratch area
(not necessarily /tmp, but something more like $TMPDIR in NQS across
several nodes) would make the lives of both us (the admins) and the
users much easier.

Troy Baer                       email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Science & Technology Support    phone:  614-292-9701
Ohio Supercomputer Center       web:  http://oscinfo.osc.edu

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