On Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 05:03:08PM +0100, Detlef Weitz wrote:
> hi all,
> while setting up codaserver following 
> error occurs:
> /Linux/tmp# createvol_rep coda:root E0000100 /vicepa
> Servers are (quimby )
> HexGroupId is 7F000002
> creating volume coda:root.0 on quimby
> V_BindToServer: binding to host quimby.pmm.de
> RPC2_NewBinding to server quimby.pmm.de failed with RPC2_NOBINDING (F)
> Failure to make volume on quimby!. Abort..
> ????
> Can anybody help
> codasrv,auth2,rpcportmap,updatesrv and updateclnt is running, as
> follows:
> root      3061  0.0  2.0  3352 1276 ?        S    16:39   0:00 codasrv
> -t 1000 -trunc 5 -debarrenize -nosalvageonshutdown -nodumpvm

Check if the server has crashed during startup. We've modified abort to
to get the servers into an endless sleep so we get a chance to attach a

An indication of the crash should show up at the end of,
    /vice/srv/SrvErr, or


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