The Islandoracon Planning Committee invites you to submit your proposals to
present at the second Islandora conference, Islandoracon, May 15 - 19, 2017
in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada[1].

This year’s conference theme is 'Beyond the Island'. Since its creation at
the University of Prince Edward Island in 2006, Islandora has spread around
the world. It has grown to include diverse institutions, collections, and
strategies for digital repository management that add to the richness of
the Islandora community. The 2017 Islandoracon will celebrate these
multifaceted visions of Islandora that are continually emerging, inspiring
constant revision in the concept of a digital repository.

**Regular Sessions:**
A 20-minute talk (plus 10 minute for questions) with accompanying A/V.

**Poster/Island Getaways:**
A conference poster to be displayed during a poster session, accompanied by
a five-minute ‘lightning talk’ style presentation of that poster.
Conference attendees will be invited to vote on your favourite "Island
Getaway" to award prizes for the most inspirational posters and talks.

**Post-Conference Sessions:**
A free-form day for Islandora gatherings. The last day of Islandoracon is
open for sessions, workshops, working groups, training, meetings, or
whatever events you care to propose. Please let us know what kind of event
you’d like to hold, the expected audience, and the space/time needed.

Speakers will have access to a discounted Speakers Rate for registration.
Submissions will be accepted until December 16th, 2016. Please submit your
proposals here[2]

Thank you,

Islandoracon Planning Committee


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