Apologies for forgetting the spell-check! I was typing too fast. Here is a 
version with less typos! : )

Under ordinary circumstances, there shouldn't be a great need for Code4Lib to 
reiterate our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, this year's 
contentious election season followed by many appalling acts of hate around the 
country has left us with no choice but to re-affirm our unfaltering support and 
strong commitment to these fundamental values.

As technologists, we always look for ways to make things work better. We love 
efficiency; we love elegance; we aspire to be free of any pain point or bug in 
everything we design and build. But we do this not for the sake of efficiency, 
elegance, and our deeply-rooted desire to improve things. We do this for the 
sake of people. Our ultimate aspiration is to help people get things done with 
the tools we create with delight. For this, we try to understand our users with 
all their differences in race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, 
religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, 
national or ethnic origin, language, socio-economic background, citizenship 
status, and more. This is why we rely on empathy as one of the most important 
guiding principles in all we do as technologists. Without our caring, our work 
as a developer, designer, information specialist, and IT professional would be 
missing its heart.

Code4Lib has a proud history of recognizing the lack of diversity in the 
technology sector as a serious problem and acting to address it head-on. In the 
Code4Lib community, diversity, equity, and inclusion are not mere words. They 
underpin all we do from Diversity Scholarships, Newcomer Dinner, Code of 
Conduct, to our decision regarding where to host our next Code4Lib conference. 
They represent and reflect our shared and cherished understanding that we 
always solve difficult problems better together.

As a community that deeply values diversity, equity, and inclusion, Code4Lib 
will always be a welcoming and safe community for all who are passionate about 
information and technology. Everyone in our community is valued and respected 
regardless of what they look like, what their faiths are, what disabilities 
they may have, how they identify their gender, who they love, where they come 
from, what language they speak, or where they live. There is no place for 
bigotry, intolerance, hatred, harassment, and violence in Code4Lib. Today, we 
stand together in our most forceful support for diversity, equity, and 


From: "Kim, Bohyun" <b...@hshsl.umaryland.edu>
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2016 at 12:40 PM
Subject: Post-election statement draft - also waiting for merge

Hi all,

As promised, I issued a pull request with 5 files which includes my draft for 
the post-election statement from Code4Lib.

Someone who has the write access to the C4L repo in Github, please merge. You 
can see the files here.

My draft statement also below. You should be able to edit once merged. Thanks 
everyone for standing behind this idea!

Under ordinary circumstances, there shouldn't be a great need for Code4Lib to 
reiterate our values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, this year's 
contentious election season followed by many appaling acts of hate around the 
country has left us with no choice but to re-affirm our unfaltering support and 
strong committment to these fundamental values.

As technologists, we always look for ways to make things work better. We love 
efficiency; we love elegance; we aspire to be free of any pain point or bug in 
everything we design and build. But we do this not for the sake of efficiency, 
elegance, and our deeeply-rooted desire to improve things. We do this for the 
sake of people. Our ultimate aspiration is to help people get things done with 
the tools we create with delight. For this, we try to understand our users with 
all their differences in race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, 
religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, 
national or ethnic origin, launguage, socio-economic background, citizenship 
status, and more. This is why we rely on emphathy as one of the most important 
guiding principles in all we do as technologists. Wihtout our caring, our work 
as a developer, designer, information specialist, and IT professional would be 
missing its heart.

Code4Lib has a proud history of recognizing the lack of diversity in the 
technology sector as a serious problem and acting to address it head-on. In the 
Code4Lib community, diversity, equity, and inclusion are not mere words. They 
underpin all we do from Diversity Scholarships, Newcomer Dinner, Code of 
Conduct, to our decision regarding where to host our next Code4Lib conference. 
They represent and reflect our shared and cherished understanding that we 
always solve difficult problems better together.

As a community that deeply values diviersity, equity, and inclusion, Code4Lib 
will always be a welcoming and safe community for all who are passionate about 
infromation and technology. Everyone in our community is valued and respected 
regardless of what they look like, what their faiths are, what disabilities 
they may have, how they identify their gender, who they love, where they come 
from, what language they speak, or where they live. There is no place for 
bigotry, intolerance, hatred, harrassment, and violence in Code4Lib. Today, we 
stand together in our most forceful support for diversity, equity, and 


Bohyun Kim, MA, MSLIS
Associate Director for Library Applications and Knowledge Systems
University of Maryland, Baltimore | Health Sciences and Human Services Library
b...@hshsl.umaryland.edu<mailto:b...@hshsl.umaryland.edu> | 410-706-0405

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