In the UK Reading List Management solutions have been a key component is 
presenting the library in the VLE/LMS. The reading list is typically closely 
integrated with Blackboard, Moodle etc etc. Talis pioneered the approach in the 
UK (and Australia). They took a different approach to the 'Course Reserve' 
module in the ILS (confusingly termed the LMS -Library Management System- here 
in the UK) and have become perhaps the main way libraries integrate resources 
into the VLE/LMS. Indeed libraries may pay more for their Reading list software 
than their ILS--so that illustrates where the value is moving.....

Vendors such as ExLibris and SirsiDynix seem to have woken up at last to the 
value of this approach and now offer their own Reading List Management 
solutions which have begun to get some interest in the US..(see the ExLibris 
press release about Washington State
There is good background and further information in Higher Education Library 
Technology -HELibTech- 
Very best
Ken Chad Consulting Ltd Tel: +44(0)7788727845 
Twitter: @kenchad Skype: kenchadconsulting 

-----Original Message-----
From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTS.CLIR.ORG] On Behalf Of Haitz, 
Lisa (haitzlm)
Sent: 23 January 2017 15:39
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] Looking for libraries present in their campus' LMS

We are on the same “page” as you. Haha

I have been pushing to have some system that reflects that students major or 
areas of interest, with links to our actual home page. Ive thought about using 
Campus Guides from Springshare's API for the data. Writing the code that 
interacts and gets the student info is the hard part. 

We use the Blackboard system. 

On 1/23/17, 8:38 AM, "Code for Libraries on behalf of Kyle Breneman" 
<CODE4LIB@LISTS.CLIR.ORG on behalf of> wrote:

>Does your library have some kind of presence within your campus' learning
>management system (LMS)?  If so, what does that presence look like?
>Here at the University of Baltimore, we use Sakai and all users have access
>to a tab, within Sakai, for the library.  The tab leads to a page that is
>like an alternate portal to library services; very stripped down from what
>you would get on our website, and in need of rethinking.

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