Hi Josh,
<disclaimer: see my signature>

I'm really surprised to see the cost being the main factor. Alma and WMS, are not known to be cheap. For Alma, it's known to be very expensive in fact.

If you're looking for an inexpensive alternative, you should investigate Open Source. A solution like Koha + Coral + Ebsco EDS [*] is also cloud based, has most features you'll need, and we're working hard to "glue" all those tools in order to have them communicate fluently.

[*] EDS is not Open Source, I agree

PS: this email is not sales related, BibLibre is not doing business in US. If you want some names & emails, just ask [but you probably already know them]

Le 28/04/2017 à 17:56, Josh Welker a écrit :
Hi Paul,

We haven't chosen to leave III-Sierra, just exploring options. Cost is the
main factor. Missouri public universities just got hit with massive budget
cuts plus a big drop in international enrollment. The cost for Sierra keeps
rising. Plus, Sierra seems heavily weighed down by legacy systems that
prevent it from being able to do things newer systems can do. We are
looking at Alma and WMS specifically because they are entirely cloud-based
and redesigned from the ground up for modern workflows involving
e-resources, knowledgebases, discovery, etc. From what I can tell, all the
other products are a hodge-podge of traditional ILS systems plus add-ons
for the e-resources stuff. (I think Sirsi Dynex is moving in the same
direction as Alma and WMS but hasn't finished their next-gen product quite
yet.) Being able to do everything in one system saves costs both in terms
of subscriptions and labor.

Paul Poulain, Associé-gérant / co-owner
BibLibre, Services en logiciels libres pour les bibliothèques
BibLibre, Open Source software and services for libraries

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