We are investigating using Marc4Edit to batch update MARC records in Alma
via the Alma APIs.

I realize this question is likely more appropriate for the MarcEdit
listserv, but I am asking from the perspective of our systems and
development departments, not as the MarcEdit users in our cataloging
departments. We are concerned about API throttling, quotas and the impact
on multiple API requests against Alma.

The Alma APIs are rate limited; so before embarking on this approach, we'd
like to make sure we don't hit our API quotas. Can anyone tell us if
Marc4Edit's Alma bib record write operations are multi-threaded, and if so,
is there any way to configure the number of threads spawned?

We could end up in a situation where other critical systems that
communicate with Alma via its APIs could become unavailable due to our API
account being flooded with what is actually a lower priority set of


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