> > Why doesn't CLIR have question answers in an Appendix like everyone else?

Just thought I’d weigh in from the CLIR/DLF perspective to say that we 
understand why the report is laid out in the way it is, and don’t feel 
slighted! Sections on the first four organizations analyzed (Fractured Atlas, 
LITA/ALA, Nercomp, and CLIR/DLF) are here: 


and groups that were interviewed after the report was written (Educopia, OLF, 
Duraspace) appear in a different format in appendices. All the options that 
remain in the running are nicely summarized:


(Maybe a direct link to that table would be helpful, in the ballot.) 

Once again, a huge thank-you to the FCIG for wrangling this whole process in 
service to the community! — Bethany   

Bethany Nowviskie
diglib.org | clir.org | ndsa.org | nowviskie.org  

> On Sep 20, 2017, at 12:48 PM, Jonathan Rochkind <jonat...@dnil.net> wrote:
> Why doesn't CLIR have question answers in an Appendix like everyone else?
> If I was jumping to the Appendixes to see how everyone answered -- I would
> miss that CLIR was under consideration at all, or at any rate not be able
> to compare their answers.
> CLIR remains my preferred choice, I'm hoping not treating them in parallel
> with the other options doesn't result in people missing the advantages of
> what they are offering.
> Jonathan

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