This fellowship aims to support the work of scholars in the humanities or 
social sciences, librarians, archivists, and data science professionals whose 
research interests or practice cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries 
and actively employ technology in their work. Projects can address any aspect 
of the Italian Renaissance, broadly understood historically to include the 
period from the 14th to the 17th century, and geographically to include 
transnational dialogues between Italy and other cultures (e.g. Latin American, 
Mediterranean, African, Asian etc.). Projects should apply digital technologies 
such as mapping, textual analysis, visualization, or the semantic web to topics 
in fields such as art and architecture, history, literature, material culture, 
music, philosophy, religion, and history of science.

I Tatti offers Fellows the precious time they need to pursue their studies with 
a minimum of obligations and interruptions together with a maximum of scholarly 
resources—a combination that distinguishes the Harvard Center from similar 
institutions. In order to foster a collaborative spirit, Fellows are expected 
to live in the Florence area and to spend at least three days a week at the 
center. Lunch and tea are served each weekday, and the I Tatti community takes 
shape over these convivial occasions. Each year, a limited number of activities 
organized at I Tatti are reserved for the Fellows, and they join the wider 
community at conferences, lectures, and concerts.

This is a residential fellowship of 4 or 6 months in length that will provide 
the time, space, and resources necessary to discover, explore, and build. Up to 
two fellowships will be awarded every year.

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