NASIG Webinar: How Accessible Is Our Collection? Performing an E-Resources 
Accessibility Review
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2017Time: 1:00 pm (ET)Length: 1 hour

As usage of electronic resources has grown, ensuring that e-resources are 
accessible by users with disabilities has often gone ignored. While vendors are 
increasingly taking steps to address this issue, there is a noticeable lack of 
consistency across e-resource platforms. American University Library undertook 
a project to assess the accessibility of its subscribed e-resources and 
documented the efforts being made by vendors to make their products accessible. 
This webinar will describe methods and resources for compiling an accessibility 
inventory, and outline how libraries can further engage with vendors on this 
crucial issue. The webinar is adapted from a session held at the 2017 NASIG 
conference in Indianapolis, IN.
Michael Fernandez is the Electronic Resources Librarian at American University, 
where he oversees an ERM unit responsible for providing access to a diverse 
array of databases, e-journals, e-books, and datasets. He received his MLS from 
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has previously held 
positions at the National Library of Medicine and the University of Mary 
Washington. His research interests include licensing, collection management, 
and ERM staffing.
This webinar will be recorded and made available to registrants after the 
webinar is completed.

 Late registration dates to purchase recording: October 19, 2017 through April 
18, 2018. After April 18, 2018 the recording will be made freely available.
Webinar Rates:
NASIG members: $35
NASIG student members: $15
NISO members: $35
NASIG non-member: $50
Group registration: $95
(NASIG members should login for member rate)
(NASIG student members and NISO members will need to contact the NASIG 
Continuing Education Committee ([ ]( )) prior to registering in order to receive a 
priority code used for getting the listed rates)
[ Registration link ]( )
Registration Deadline for live event: October 18, 2017.

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