I wrote an adapter for Primo for ruby bento_search some years ago, but
haven't used it or touched it (or Primo) in at least 3 years (maybe more),
it is possible it doesn't work anymore if the API has changed in backwards
incompatible ways. It also has pretty limited features (just gets search
results, doesn't do facets).


On Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Kluck, Chad L. <clkl...@stthomas.edu>

> We're wondering if anyone has experience, and documentation, with the
> Primo API. We have so far developed with the Alma API and other APIs so I'm
> not asking about API GET/POST/PUT requests or CURL. However, since the
> Primo API for some of the search is listed as "Under Construction" it is
> harder to work our way around what we should expect for received data.
> We submitted a support case for some help from Ex Libris, but if anyone
> has a repository, or some docs that would help. We're basically trying to
> do regular search queries, like feed q=any,contains,immortality%20kundera
> (see below)
> We saw in the Code4Lib archive that the Primo API was IP restricted back
> in 2014, but was wondering if that is still the case.
> Submitted to Ex Libris Sales Force
> Case Title: API for Primo - known item searches
> Description:
> We need help getting a functioning query with the Primo API. Our use case
> is that we are working with a company to develop a chatbot which can take a
> natural language query, get a list of results from Primo via API (using
> author or title search), and check our holdings and availability and let
> the user know if it is available and make a request. The second part seems
> to be accomplished via the Bibs API, but getting the MMS IDs of a set of
> results from a Primo search seems to require the Primo API. We have not
> been able to get results from our test queries.
> We have the API key set up for our API application StthomasAI with
> permissions to use the Primo Search (under const.) API. We have tried using
> both Brief Search and Delivery Service Search but are not having luck.
> For example:
> https://api-eu.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo/v1/search?vid=STTHOMAS&tab=
> default_tab&scope=stthomas&q=any%2Ccontains%2Cimmortality%
> 20kundera&lang=eng&offset=0&limit=10&sort=rank&pcAvailability=true&conVoc=
> true&apikey=[*************]
> Thanks!<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.
> com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fapi-eu.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com%
> 2Fprimo%2Fv1%2Fsearch%3Fvid%3DSTTHOMAS%26tab%3Ddefault_
> tab%26scope%3Dstthomas%26q%3Dany%252Ccontains%252Cimmortality%2520kundera%
> 26lang%3Deng%26offset%3D0%26limit%3D10%26sort%3Drank%
> 26pcAvailability%3Dtrue%26conVoc%3Dtrue%26apikey%
> 3Dl7xx95e1392be88248b4938710ae279a414d&data=02%7C01%
> 7Cclkluck%40stthomas.edu%7C515ce934bafa40bfbef608d543104819%
> 7Ca081ff79318c45ec95f338ebc2801472%7C1%7C0%7C636488659564215396&sdata=
> 9hPnbkelNXwLgH7ASASrCbItNzWx%2F2cK3Hml0J9LjwI%3D&reserved=0>
> -Chad
> Chad L. Kluck
> Web Developer
> University of St. Thomas Libraries
> (651) 962-5416
> Sent from Outlook Web Access
> [University of St. Thomas : All for the Common Good]<
> http://www.stthomas.edu/e>

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