Please see the attached recruitment announcement for the second round of the 
Data Science Fellowship Program at the National Center for Ecological Analysis 
and Synthesis (NCEAS), located in downtown Santa Barbara, California. NCEAS, a 
global leader in ecological research, is seeking recent graduates from masters 
and doctoral programs to join our Data Team as paid Fellows. Our next six-month 
session starts in early July 2018. Data Science Fellows will be in residence at 
NCEAS and will work closely with data and informatics teams to solve data 
management, curation, analysis, and software issues relating to the NSF Arctic 
Data Center (ADC) and the State of Alaska's Salmon and People (SASAP) projects. 
Applications are due February 1, 2018 for full consideration and by March 1, 
2018 at the latest. This is an exciting opportunity to gain a deeper 
understanding of data and data skills while working with a group of peers 
passionate about environmental and data science.

Thank you! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Jesse Goldstein

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