If you haven't had a chance to complete this survey, or if you started it
but didn't finish, it will remain open through Wednesday, February 28.


Ken Varnum
Senior Program Manager for Discovery, Delivery, and Library Analytics
Library Information Technology | University of Michigan Library
var...@umich.edu | @varnum | 734-615-3287 <(734)%20615-3287>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ken Varnum <var...@umich.edu>
Date: Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 8:26 AM
Subject: Tell the Open Discovery Initiative How Web-Scale Discovery is
To: Code for Libraries <CODE4LIB@lists.clir.org>

The NISO Open Discovery Initiative <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/odi/>
would like to better understand the current discovery landscape and help
libraries move their discovery ecosystems forward. To that end, we are
seeking broad input from librarians about their experiences with web-scale
discovery and any concerns that might be addressed through future
recommendations by the Open Discovery Initiative.

If you are involved in discovery services we request that you respond to
our survey. The survey results will provide essential information to the
workgroup as it develops recommended practices related to discovery
services. A full report on the findings of this survey will be made
available on the NISO website later this year.

We anticipate that the survey will take about 10 minutes to complete:

More about the NISO Open Discovery Initiative (ODI)

The Open Discovery Initiative <http://www.niso.org/workrooms/odi/> (ODI)
aims at defining standards and/or best practices for the new generation of
library discovery services that are based on indexed search. These
discovery services are primarily based upon indexes derived from journals,
ebooks and other electronic information of a scholarly nature. The content
comes from a range of information providers and products--commercial, open
access, institutional, etc. It released a Recommended Practice, RP-19-2014
<http://www.niso.org/publications/rp/rp-19-2014/>, to help establish
baseline information about the content and metadata included in discovery
services and offered by a range of content providers.

In addition, if you are interested in keeping up to date with ODI, please
sign up to our Interest mailing list - http://www.niso.org/lists/open

Thank you

Ken Varnum for the ODI Standing Committee


Ken Varnum
Senior Program Manager for Discovery, Delivery, and Library Analytics
Library Information Technology | University of Michigan Library
var...@umich.edu | @varnum | 734-615-3287 <(734)%20615-3287>

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