The first pre-release of Traject 3.0 has been released.

This is expected to be a very easy upgrade from Traject 2.0, but feedback
to that is very welcome.

This is labelled alpha because both additional features and incompatible
changes are still possible before a final 3.0 release. But if I get no such
relevant feedback — or no feedback at all! — this could become the final

The traject 3.0 release is focused mainly on: 1) Abstracting architecture
to support non-MARC uses better, at this point with XML support built in.
2) Providing more convenient API and documentation for programmatic use
(not via `traject` command line).

The traject repo master branch is now 3.0.0 work.

You may want to look at:


New guide doc on XML use:

New guide doc on programmatic use:

Updated README:

Feedback of any sort is VERY WELCOME. Even just “I tried it out it’s good”.
It’s been challenging for me to get traject feedback. Please feel free to
use: Traject GH Issues,   The
#traject channel on Code4Lib slack, . Or if
neither of these work for you, email to me directly. (The Code4Lib listserv
also works for me if it doesn’t annoy anyone else).

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