Time to complete: 10 minutes or less
Preparation: none needed
Survey link: https://forms.gle/VkREJrkeKh11EB956

You are invited to  <https://forms.gle/VkREJrkeKh11EB956>participate in a 
survey assessing the barriers to migrating to supported versions of Fedora. We 
are interested in providing recommendations to address digital preservation at 
large beyond migrating between one version of Fedora to the next. This survey 
has 20 questions and will take roughly 10 minutes to complete.

There are approximately 240 libraries and archives in the United States using 
Fedora to preserve and deliver scholarly publications, research data, cultural 
heritage, and special collections-related content and services for patrons. 
Since 2015, Fedora 4.x has been the official release, though most of the 
community is still using earlier versions of the software. In 2018, the 
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) awarded DuraSpace a planning 
grant (LG-72-18-0204) to investigate the barriers to upgrading unsupported 
versions of Fedora which are  putting at risk the stability, security, and 
functionality of the content and services they support. The following survey 
was developed by the grant team to better understand the barriers to migration 
between versions of Fedora. More details on the grant, including progress and 
outputs, can be found on the Fedora wiki: 

More than one person from any organization or institution may take the survey. 
Thank you for your participation in this project. This survey will close on 
Wednesday May 8, 2019.

Please note, the person responding to this survey is participating in a 
research project that may lead to a published paper and/or presentation. The 
respondent is free to discontinue the survey at any time. We will be 
aggregating the survey data and will publish it to our communities. The public 
data set will show the class of institution the response comes from, though we 
will not include names of institutions or individuals in the published set. 

David Wilcox
Fedora Product Manager

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