Introduction to Text Encoding

Instructor: John Russell
Dates: September 3rd through 28th, 2019
Credits: 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs
Price: $175

This course will introduce students to text encoding according to the Text
Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines. Why should you care about text
encoding or the TEI Guidelines? The creation of digital scholarly texts is
a core part of the digital humanities and many digital humanities grants
and publications require encoding texts in accordance with the TEI
Guidelines. Students in this course will learn about the use-cases for text
encoding and get a basic introduction to the principles of scholarly
editing before moving on to learning some XML basics and creating a
small-scale TEI project using the XML editor oXygen. We will not cover
(beyond the very basics) processing TEI, and students interested in
learning about XSLT and/or XQuery should turn to the LJA courses offered on
those subjects. This course as this course is intended as a follow up to
the Introduction to Digital Humanities for Librarians course, but there are
no prerequisites, and the course is open to all interested.

- A basic understanding of digital scholarly editing as an academic
- Knowledge of standard TEI elements for encoding poetry and prose.
- Some engagement with more complex encoding practices, such as working
with manuscripts.
- An understanding of how librarians have participated in text encoding.
- Deeper engagement with digital humanities practices.

John Russell is the Associate Director of the Center for Humanities and
Information at Pennsylvania State University. He has been actively involved
in digital humanities projects, primarily related to text encoding, and has
taught courses and workshops on digital humanities methods, including
"Introduction to Digital Humanities for Librarians."

This is an online class that is taught asynchronously, meaning that
participants do the work on their own time as their schedules allow. The
class does not meet together at any particular times, although the
instructor may set up optional sychronous chat sessions. Instruction
includes readings and assignments in one-week segments. Class participation
is in an online forum environment.

You can register for any of our courses through the first week of
instruction (as long as the course is not full). The "Register" button on
the website goes to our credit card payment gateway, which may be used with
personal or institutional credit cards. (Be sure to use the appropriate
billing address). If your institution wants us to send a billing statement
or wants to pay using a purchase order, please contact us by email to make

For a list of all of the courses being offered next month, please go to:

Library Juice Academy
P.O. Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818
Tel. (916) 905-0291
Fax (916) 415-5446


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