Hi Emily,

Code4LibCon is a seat of the pants operation, traditionally held whenever
we can pull it off. Fun fact, there is no Code4Lib organization. Last year,
even though Buffalo was set in the Spring, the dates weren’t set until
several months later.

That said, once you set your dates, I am sure that we’ll do our best to
avoid them.



On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 9:31 AM Emily Sommers <e.somm...@utoronto.ca> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> The next BitCurator Forum (previously BitCurator Users Forum<
> https://bitcuratorconsortium.org/forum/>) is being planned tentatively
> for March 2023. We are shifting from having the Forum in the Fall to the
> Spring. We would like to avoid conflicting with the Code4Lib conference
> which is also traditionally held in March. Have dates for C4L 2023 been
> selected yet?
> Thanks,
> Emily Sommers (on behalf of the 2023 Forum Team)
> Emily Sommers (she/her) | Digital Records Archivist
> University of Toronto Archives & Records Management Services<
> https://utarms.library.utoronto.ca/>
> University of Toronto Libraries
> e.somm...@utoronto.ca<mailto:e.somm...@utoronto.ca> | 416-978-6486
Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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