***Please excuse cross-posting***

System Migration Stories: Alma & Folio

Speaker: Cathy Weng (Brown University, Head of Technical Services)

Speaker: Jason Kovari (Cornell University, Director of Cataloging &
Metadata Services)

Date/Time: Thursday, *June 16th 11:00am-12:00pm EST*

Where: Online : link will be sent to registrants prior the event

Register: https://www.nytsl.org/event-4855783

Event Description:

“Systems migration”: two words that strike fear into technical services
librarians everywhere. Yet NYTSL asks - what is the actual experience of
migrating from one library system to another, and what does it look like
for a library workplace? With this program, we present two speakers to
discuss different systems which each inspired questions surrounding staff
preparation, training, and roll-out. Regardless of your institution’s own
migration journey, System Migration Stories seeks to demystify the process
and spark conversation around one of the more pressing issues in technical
services today.

A Pragmatic System Migration (Cathy Weng)

Planning and going through a major system migration could be intimidating.
Learning from other institutions’ migration experience will help ease some
anxiety and better prepare your own migration. Cathy will describe her
experience on two Alma migration projects in two institutions (CUNY and
Brown). She will also provide some training strategies to help staff learn
to use the new system.

Cornell’s FOLIO Implementation: Moving into a System Under Development (Jason

With contributions from colleagues who led different aspects of the work,
Jason Kovari will discuss Cornell’s June 2021 implementation of FOLIO, an
open-source Library Management System on which Cornell has contributed to
development. This talk will provide an overview of the approach taken to
implementation for Cornell as-a-whole with a focus on details specific to
technical services.

During the COVID Pandemic, NYTSL is offering its virtual programming free
of charge. However, we hope attendees will consider a recommended $5
donation <https://www.nytsl.org/donate> which will directly compensate
NYTSL panel speakers as well as offset future costs for returning to
in-person programming. Alternatively, please consider supporting NYTSL
by becoming
a member. <https://www.nytsl.org/membership>


*Tomasz Kalata*
Metadata Manager, Cataloging


The New York Public Library & Brooklyn Public Library

bookops.org | 917-229-9743

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