My esteedmed liistmates,

Would anyone with experience creating an event sign in sheet please share
their thoughts on how they've created these?

Please feel free to email me privately.

I've poked around MS Publisher and Word Templates (New > Templates > Event
or Business) and either a graphic I created in Publisher won't import or if
situated at the top of of the sign in sheet then the columns or rows get
screwed up.

I found a few on Canva and  when I try to import that saved .jpp or .png
from Canva into Publisher or Word it just displays an empty box.

I then tried creating a simple table in Word - 2 columns and 23 rows but
encountered issues them inserting/importing that graphic above the columns
and rows along with text.

I Googled this issue and I see a lot of users struggling with the
"simplicity" of this.

Thank you.


Charlotte County Public Library

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