Dear Code4Lib community,

we the editors of the Code4Lib Journal  just published an extra
editorial to summarize the patron data breach incident in our latest
issue, and the measures we introduced in the editorial workflow to
prevent similar future events:

We invite colleagues who are knowledgeable in establishing relevant
policies and procedures to support the Code4lib Journal by using their
expertise to recommend sustainable guidelines that are informed by
existing best practice, either independently or in the form of a
journal article.

We are grateful to all of those who worked to raise this important
issue and look forward to collaborating with the community on best
practices going forward.

In accordance to this, we modified the Call for submission as well:

Péter Király

On Sat, Dec 9, 2023 at 5:47 PM Péter Király <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> as one of the editors of Code4Lib Journal I would like beg your pardon
> for the security incident.
> Since the journal is edited by a group of volunteers and we do not
> have any formal organizational structure, we as a journal do not have
> yet an common answer, but I can tell you my private opinion. Right now
> we are considering the suggestions of the open letter. Some of them
> could be implemented and there is a high chance that will be
> implemented. In this particular case we made a couple of editorial,
> communication related and technical mistakes, but we are aware of the
> importance of the problem, and I personally disagree that the data
> breach happened because we did not take care of the ethical concern.
> In this case - and again speaking only from my part - I did not have
> the necessary knowledge to check the content of files in a particular
> (Power BI) format, and thus I was not aware of the real content of
> that files (the article itself doesn't tell details about the content
> of the attached file).
> It is sure we are taking care of this issue and the open letter, and
> we act accordingly. I hope that in the following days we will also
> have a better statement than mine, that will reflect the opinion of
> all editors.
> I beg your pardon again,
> Péter Király

Péter Király
software developer
GWDG, Göttingen - Europeana - eXtensible Catalog - The Code4Lib Journal

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