On 2/23/06, Ryan Eby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://www.textualize.com/
> Again I'm unsure if we would be looking at mostly small snippets and
> functions or full fledged classes/libraries.

Thanks for pointing this out; looks good.

Now with any of this, it not so much the actual libraries and classes
that are of interest to me, but clever code to *use* them. And, to a
big degree, it is talking about application design that I fear that
we're overlooking. This is where all that "we did X, and here's good
and here's bad about that approach" comes in really handy; how do we
design for our audience, please the business side and make it look
good in the process? The tools should support at least these three
fundamental things, and I would hope that the journal discussed
appraoched *design* more than code.

As an example, how does it change our development infrastructure when
moving to a SOA? I can write *books* about this topic, mostly
positive. :) But this discussion seems to float to the edges (not
geeky enough for geeks, not business enough for the business people,
even though both can recognise the value of it) A journal could be a
lever to use to push the importance of things that are on the fringe
of things onto the real agenda.

2 cents worth.

"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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