Hi Nate,

I've just started playing around with this a bit myself, although I have
to confess that it's quite recent and a hack.  But here's what I've been

Due to consortium issues and the like here's the track I'm taking.  I'm
using Perl, since I haven't yet started playing with Ruby.  I know, I
know, lame ;).

First, I run a query to grab the bib ids/mfhd ids of some groups of
records that I'm interested in.  I'm going for a smaller set probably,
since our whole collection is rather large.  Then I run it through a small
script that runs a query (where $recordtype = BIB or MFHD)

my $qry  = "SELECT ".$recordtype."_DATA.".$recordtype."_id,
record_segment, "
  . "seqnum FROM UIUDB.".$recordtype."_DATA "
  . "  WHERE ".$recordtype."_DATA.".$recordtype."_ID = ? "
  . "  ORDER BY seqnum ASC " ;

with the ? set to the id.  The results are merged into one string.  This
is used to create a MARC::Record object.  I add this to a MARC::File::XML

I have in some notes that I need to pad out the bib records when using
this method, but I'm not sure why.  I'm not currently duing that
and it hasn't caused any issues yet.

That's it ;).  Gives me some nice marcxml.  And I haven't tested it at all
yet, just started playing around with it.

I've included some of the code below.  Like I said, I just came up with
this really quickly, haven't had a chance to really test it heavily yet.

use strict;
use DBI;
use MARC::Record;
use MARC::file::XML;
use Getopt::Std;

# set the database connection options
#removed :P

my %opts;


my $recordtype="BIB";
if (uc($opts{'t'}) eq "MFHD" ) {

#need to change so can take from command line
if ($opts{'f'}) {
open(IDS,"< ".$opts{'f'}) or die "must set -f input ids";

my $qry  = "SELECT ".$recordtype."_DATA.".$recordtype."_id,
record_segment, "
  . "seqnum FROM UIUDB.".$recordtype."_DATA "
  . "  WHERE ".$recordtype."_DATA.".$recordtype."_ID = ? "
  . "  ORDER BY seqnum ASC " ;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($qry) or die "preparing SQL query $qry.";

my $file = MARC::File::XML->out( $recordtype.'records.xml'  );

while (<IDS>) {
  s/ *$//;
  s/^ *//;
  my $id = $_;
  my $MARC = "";

  while (my ($rec_id, $recseg, $seqnum) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
    $MARC .= $recseg ;
    #not sure that the below is needed...there is some
    #sort of issue with the "last" record, maybe?
    #  $MARC .= ' ' x (990-length($recseg)); # Pad each segment to 990


  my $record = MARC::Record->new_from_usmarc($MARC);



Jonathan T. Gorman
Research Information Specialist
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
216 Main Library - MC522
1408 West Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 244-4688

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