Thanks so much for doing this and for everything you did at the conference

I briefly looked over the evaluations and there really wasn't anything
surprising but it is great to have many of my observations reinforced. I
talked to a few people while at the conference, and besides the things
listed here, the two other comments I heard were:

Would have like a more technical opening key note.
Some of the presentations weren't technical enough.

Since the community votes on talks, unless we modify that, I don't know
how we can address the "flavor" of the talks besides trying to ask for
what we want more strongly. I did have someone suggest that maybe a
committee could do some pre-weeding. For example if we have 40
presentation proposals for 15 slots, we can weed it down to the top 25,
and have people vote on the 25. I can see some advantages to this, or some
other method of weeding, but I'm not sold on it.

One thing that was lacking from the evaluation comments, thanks mostly to
Roy's hard work was the during the conference logistics. I think next year
we should have different people in charge of making certain aspects of the
conference run smoothly. I think Roy, Dan, Brad, and many others did a
great job jumping in and taking care of stuff, but next year I think we
should have a "go to" person for different aspects if the conference. For
example, one person could be in charge of lightning sessions are
appropriate, but just make sure things go smoothly.


> On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 04:07:41PM -0800, Roy Tennant wrote:
>> I scooped up all the evaluations from the boxes outside the room, I
>> don't
>> know if anyone else found any left in the room itself. If so, let's
>> figure
>> out how to get all the info in one place.
>> For the evaluations I gathered, I typed them up in a document and wrote
>> a
>> quick little CGI to pump them out in different chunks[1]. I haven't
>> studied
>> them in any great detail, but I'd have to say that overall they were
>> very
>> positive. Just the fact that there are something like twice as many
>> "likes"
>> as "dislikes" is a good sign.
>> Anyway, congratulations all on a great meeting!
>> Roy
>> [1]

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