I've been lifting bits of PHP code from various tutorial websites and
playing with them...learning by osmosis, as it were. Likewise with
JavaScript. Perl appears to be the best scripting language for dealing
with XML and I plan to make an effort to learn it in a little more
structured way, with a combination of on-line tutorials and the
O'Reilly book. Does that make sense?

On 7/24/07, Nicole Engard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was a computer programming major in undergrad and couldn't get a job
anywhere but a library :)  I worked as the Web Assistant and Web Manager in
the library for 5 years before deciding to go to library school.  You learn
so much more on the job than you ever will in school - that is of course if
you make an effort to learn.

On the web note, a lot of what I learned I learned by doing, copying and
reading!  I did take one 4 day hands on class in programming PHP, but other
than that it was a lot of learning by doing.

I don't know if that was helpful - but that's the short version of my story.

Nicole C. Engard

On 7/24/07, Sharon Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a former embedded software engineer and a current library student,
> trying to get up to speed on all this Web stuff. This question is not
> part of any class project, but just for my own curiosity. How did you
> all come to be so heavily involved in this aspect of librarianship? I
> don't think it's being covered in most traditional MLS curricula, at
> least not in any hands-on way, although there are certainly some LIS
> programs that are getting into it in more depth than mine is.
> Were you a librarian first, who learned it via classes and tutorials?
> Are you a former software developer or web developer who moved into
> the library world? Or was there another path for you?
> Sharon
> --
> Sharon M. Foster, B.S., J.D., 0.5 * (MLS)
> F/OSS Evangelist
> Cheshire Public Library
> 104 Main Street
> Cheshire, CT  06410
> http://www.cheshirelibrary.org
> My library school portfolio: http://home.southernct.edu/~fosters4/
> My final project for ILS655, Digital Libraries, still under
> construction: http://www.vsa-software.com/ils655
> Any opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Sharon M. Foster, B.S., J.D., 0.5 * (MLS)
F/OSS Evangelist
Cheshire Public Library
104 Main Street
Cheshire, CT  06410
My library school portfolio: http://home.southernct.edu/~fosters4/
My final project for ILS655, Digital Libraries, still under
construction: http://www.vsa-software.com/ils655

Any opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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