On 8/1/07, Ross Singer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1.  Why isn't the www.code4lib.org site already back up (at minimum)?
> Eh, what?  We have offsite backups, yes.  What we don't have are:
> 1) anywhere to put them back to
> 2) a plan to proceed once something is back up
> 3) the resources to dedicate to get code4lib.org running as it was
> (temporarily, I might add), as in somebody that has the time to do the
> work (remember, we didn't even have time to keep it up to date in the
> first place)
> 4) a hugely pressing need (we're not, after all, in the middle of the
> eponymous conference)

1) we could have found someplace
2) this is a problem either way
3) this is a problem either way
4) a few days' downtime is one thing - a few weeks' is another.

> > 2.  Are there offsite backups of the www.code4lib.org site - its files
> > and database?
> >
> Yes, and they live on my machine at work.

Let's set up a second backup of your backup?  I'll take a copy, and
add another to s3 for safer-keeping.

> > 3.  The discussion seemed to only involve one proposal.  There wasn't
> > a call for any other proposals, and it wasn't clear to me that by
> > missing this meeting (i was at a gathering with several other people
> > with an interest in anvil and other things c4l) that I would miss out
> > on any opportunity to have input.  I'd like to propose a different
> > hosting plan.  Shouldn't there be a chance for more discussion here?
> Who's stopping you?  We announced a 'town hall meeting', nobody
> publicly dissented on the mailing list.  We're 'discussing' now,
> you're complaining but not articulating an alternative.  You mentioned
> ibiblio in channel, but until something tangible is offered, the
> Oregon State offer meets the 'one in hand is worth two in the bush'
> criteria.

Nobody is stopping me.  I was offline all weekend, and busy otherwise,
and it wasn't clear to me whether this was a done deal already.

I'm not complaining, I'm just seeking clarification.  In a
complainy-sounding way.

> > I understand that some of these questions might seem to be coming a
> > bit late, and I'm sorry to be in a position where my jerkiness is all
> > the worse because of it.  But I still think these are questions that
> > need answers.
> I don't think anything has been 'decided'.  We had a meeting, OSU
> stepped forward, nobody present objected.  www.code4lib.org is still
> 'down'.

I propose that we move hosting of www.code4lib.org to ibiblio if
they'll have us.  They've been there for 15(+?) years, they are there
for exactly this purpose, and they're not for-profit.  I've had good
luck hosting things there, and they're liberal about accounts, so long
as you don't prove to be an idiot.  To support this I'd be happy to
sign up for support duties.

Separately I can bring up an emergency/temporary backup of the
www.code4lib.org site if it is not otherwise possible before the end
of the week.  I'm in transit all day tomorrow, but let me know by
first thing friday


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