Ed Summers wrote:
It's a good idea. I know there's significant interest here at LC to
follow OCLC's lead in making data and services available to the
Really? What there'd be the most interest in from _this_ public would be
LCC and LCSH authorities, as well as NAF (person/corporate name, and
work title) authorities. That should all be accessible via a REST XML API.

I could sketch out what this interface should look like, but it's pretty
simple---basically just SRU delivering MARC-XML would be fine. Although
it would be nice if the 'references' in the MARC-XML actually supplied
the URLs for identifying/downloading the records referenced, instead of
making the user construct such a url on their own (or worse, SRU to try
and find it without being sure of it's url!).

If LC is really interested in providing their core useful stuff....


 In particular I know there's a rich API hiding behind the NDNP
aka ChroniclingAmerica [1] project that's waiting to be documented and
released. I'm personally hopeful that we'll see some of these services
and data feeds emerge in the coming year.

I don't know if Roy mentioned this when it came up, but Rob Sanderson
(azaroth) actually added a simple server [2], and a mod_python handler
[3] to that skos code I pointed at in the previous email. So you could
run the service yourself. Of course the point of running it at LC
would be that it could be kept up to date, and hopefully would be more
than just the outline.

Maybe a bunch of us could get together and brainstorm about what some
services and feeds could look like at the next code4libcon?


[1] http://www.loc.gov/chroniclingamerica/
[2] http://www.inkdroid.org/svn/lcco-skos/trunk/rdfizer/lccn/server.py
[3] http://www.inkdroid.org/svn/lcco-skos/trunk/rdfizer/lccn/handler.py


Jonathan Rochkind
Digital Services Software Engineer
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
rochkind (at) jhu.edu

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