Hi Code4Libers,

I am forwarding a post on NGC4Lib from Joe Lucia of Villanova University
(my boss) that I think might provoke some discussion here.

Now back to work on that Code4Lib proposal...

Chris Barr
Villanova University
--- Begin Message ---
  My reply to Eric's message has spurred me on to share a few other thoughts 
that have been kicking around in my head about the success prospects for open 
source applications in libraries.  What most frustrates me in a general sense 
is the degree to which in libraries our human capital and our financial 
resources are tied into commercial software that rarely meets our needs well.  
That is old news.  The issue is how to break free of the inertia that keeps us 
in a technologically paralyzed state.

  I have initiated a number of conversations within the mid-Atlantic region 
about the very real potential for a shift of those investments from commercial 
software support (and staff technical support for commercial products) to a 
collaborative support environment for open source applications facilitated by 
our regional network (in this case Palinet, where, in the interest of full 
disclosure, I currently serve as board president).

   It is frightening for many to contemplate the leap to open source, but if 
there were a clear process and well-defined path, with technical partners able 
to provide assistance through the regional networks, I suspect some of the 
hesitancy to make this move, even among smaller libraries, might dissipate 
quickly.  Within Palinet, for instance, we have a small regional public library 
system that has successfully made the transition to Koha and has been able to 
re-direct funds that used to go into software support to local initiatives.  
There's also a publlic library that has transitioned its public computing 
environment to Linux, at considerable savings and with reduced support & 
acquisition costs for technology.  The success models are there and developing 
best practice frameworks and implementation support methods that will scale 
will not be rocket science.

   These are small test cases but I think they prove the concept.  Evergreen is 
clearly a project on a much larger scale that is working. And it seems to be 
driven by the same economies I am trying to describe here. I look  at my own 
technology budget and think about how much we expend annually for inferior 
commercial software.  Then I ask myself what if I could find even just a 
handful of regional partners to pool funds and initiate a support & development 
consortium for Evergreen (as one obvious choice).  I can easily envision a 
collaborative group of academic libraries identifying a million dollars of 
"liberated" software support funds within a year.

   What will it take to break this logjam?  Is it intensive, informed outreach 
by people like myself to other directors?  Is it credible tech support 
offerings from organizations such as regional consortia for open source 
applications?  Is it both of these and more?

   If we look beyond money to personnel, the option looks even better.  Let me 
suggest some numbers.  What if, in the U.S., 50 ARL libraries, 20 large public 
libraries, 20 medium-sized academic libraries, and 20 Oberlin group libraries 
anted up one full-time technology position for collaborative open source 
development. That's 110 developers working on library applications with robust, 
quickly-implemented current Web technology -- not legacy stuff.  There is not a 
company in the industry that I know of which has put that much technical effort 
into product development. With such a cohort of developers working in libraries 
on library technology needs -- and in light of the creativity and 
thoughtfulness evident on forums like this one -- I think we would quickly see 
radical change in the library technology arena. Instead of being technology 
followers, I venture to say that libraries might once again become leaders.  
Let's add to the pool some talent from beyond the U.S. -- say !

 20 libraries in Canada, 10 in Australia, and 10 in the U.K. put staff into the 
pool.  We've now  got 150 developers in this little start-up.  Then we begin 
pouring our current software support funds into regional collaboratives.  
Within a year or two, we could be re-directing 10s of millions of dollars into 
regional technology development partnerships sponsored by and housed within the 
regional consortia, supporting and extending the work of libraries.  The 
potential for innovation and rapid deployment of new tools boggles the mind.  
The resources at our disposal in this scenario dwarf what any software vendor 
in our small application space is ever going to support. And, as is implicit in 
all I've said, the NGC is just the tip of the iceberg.

   Yes, we'd need to establish sound open source management protocols and we'd 
have to guard against forks and splintering of effort that might undermine the 
best possible outcomes.  But I keep thinking about how successful Linux has 
been, with developers around the world.  Surely librarians and library 
technologists could evolve a collaborative environment where we'd "play nice" 
and produce good results for all.

   Let me add one more point.  Libraries are committed to the notion of the 
"commons."  Libraries are in fact one of the last best hopes for the 
preservation of the intellectual commons.  That value system should extend to 
the intellectual work we do on our access systems.  We should reclaim the 
domain of library technology from the commercial and proprietary realms and 
actualize is as part of our vision of the commons. I think there's a clear path 
to that end.  We are also congenital collaborators.  Can you think of any other 
group of institions that share their stuff the way we do through ILL?  So how 
can we marshal the courage to make open source technology happen in more than a 
few isolated library environments?

  BTW, we at Villanova are looking seriously at migration module by module over 
the next year from commercial applications to open source solutions in every 
area where this is a viable option.  I intend to put my money where my mouth 
is.  VuFind is the first (necessary) step.

Joe Lucia
University Librarian
Villanova University

--- End Message ---

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