Hi Andrew,

> ...we are investingating NCIP quite a bit here for use
> with VuFind [...] since it is already implemented
> (currently in limited stages) in my [Voyager] ILS

My understanding is that Voyager customers only get the NCIP server if they 
have purchased the ILL add-on module that utilizes NCIP.  If Villanova happens 
to have that module, and you get it to work with VuFind, keep in mind thay it 
may not be something that every other Voyager site can benefit from.

> ... my ILS vendor just told me that they don't
> have any documentation on the NCIP server.

It is also my understanding that while the Voyager NCIP API supports their ILL 
product, it was not meant to serve as a general purpose NCIP API.  I believe 
that that accounts for the lack of (customer) documentation.  Back in March of 
2004, the then Endeavor Voyager Product Manager discussed their plans for 
further development of Voyager's NCIP API, and I don't think things have 
changed much since then [1].  If you've heard (or know) different, please let 
us (Voyager customers) know.  I've had my eye on NCIP as an API for quite some 

-- Michael

[1] Subject: RE: [VOYAGER-L]: Voyager SIP or NCIP interface
    Date: 2004-03-11 16:34:00
    To: Voyager-L
    "I'd like to clarify our accomplishments and plans
    for interoperability and for NCIP..."

# Michael Doran, Systems Librarian
# University of Texas at Arlington
# 817-272-5326 office
# 817-688-1926 mobile
# http://rocky.uta.edu/doran/

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Andrew Nagy
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 10:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] [Fwd: z39.50 holdings schema]
> > But this part is
> > what I, as a developer writing discovery systems, need most
> and fail
> > to get from current systems.
> Exactly!
> This is the reason I have been investiagating NCIP - since it
> is already implemented (currently in limited stages) in my
> ILS as well as open source ILSs such as Evergreen have it as well.
> There are many standards that would work - but NCIP seems to
> be the only thing practical at the current moment.  I am also
> a newbie to NCIP and my ILS vendor just told me that they
> don't have any documentation on the NCIP server.
> Where is Roy and his manifesto when you need him!
> Andrew

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