Hi all. Has anyone used the balancer in Jakarta-Tomcat? http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/balancer-howto.html
I'm probably trying to get it to do something that it wasn't designed to do, but has anyone got it to do a redirect to a new URL but with the full URL - including the data at the end of the URL? For example I'm trying to get it to do a simple redirect from the OLD URL: http://myurl.edu.au/balancer/somethinghere to NEW URL: http://mynewurl.edu.au/balancer/somethinghere I can't get this to work. I've tried using the general redirect in the rules.xml file as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rules> <rule className="org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.AcceptEverythingRule" redirectUrl="http://newurl.edu.au/balancer/" /> </rules> But that just redirects everything to the static URL: http://newurl.edu.au/balancer/ And if I try to be clever, using the string match rule: <rule className="org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.URLStringMatchRule" targetString="*/" redirectUrl="http://mynewurl.edu.au/balancer/somethinghere/" /> this fails as well. I've tried putting asteriscs, variables (such as $(URI)) and any other wildcards I can think of, but nothing works. Has anyone been able to get the balancer application to just change the URL Stem and filter that through to a new base URL with the rest of the URL in tact? If there's something better in Tomcat or another java-based container out there that people are using (not Apache) I'd like to know what it is. Many thanks, Simon -- _______________________________________ Simon Huggard Systems Manager Information Systems Department Monash University Library Monash University Building 4, Monash University, Vic, Australia 3800 Phone: +61 3 9905 9138 Fax: + 61 3 9905 2610 Mobile: 0425 774 260 (International : +61 425 774 260)