On Jan 21, 2008, at 11:24 PM, Peter Keane wrote:

...Like spoken langauges, syntax in a programming language
influences what/how things might be expressed, even though you can
express the exact same facts in any language. Perl6 will, I think,
be one of those ultra-dynamic languages like Ruby that lead folks
to write little DSLs (domain-specific languages) to get a complex
domain-specific task accomplished.

Ironically, I was thinking about this yesterday. On one hand I
thought, "I have a language I can use, feel comfortable with, and
does what I need to do." I then thought, "Just like different human
languages, computer languages have strengths and weaknesses. You need
different tools for the job. Just like different styles of guitar
playing (Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Blues, Jazz, Rock
& Roll, etc.) require different guitars.

The internals of Perl6 are said to be much cleaner that Perl5 and
it will run on the Parrot Virtual Machine which will also run many
other languages (like the Java Virtual Machine which can now run
Ruby (JRuby) and Python (Jython)).  So expect to see projects
incorporating many langauges in a single code base....

This was a feature I was not aware of. Does this mean I will be able
to write Perl programs that use the Java-based Lucene indexer?

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

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