I pushed the deadline to the 20th to give proposers a little extra
time to work out the details.  Thought that would be appreciated; I
realize getting a proposal together is not trivial.

Best of luck to all the proposers!


On Fri, Feb 1, 2008 at 8:28 PM, Carol Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And the deadline is Feb. 20, not Feb. 15?
>  Carol
>  On Feb 1, 2008, at 7:08 PM, Edward Corrado wrote:
>  > If I can add one thing, I know some sites have expressed interest in
>  > hosting. Please make sure if you did, that you still submit a
>  > "formal" (or at least as formal as anything we do is) proposal
>  > before the deadline.
>  >
>  > Edward
>  >
>  > ----- Original Message -----
>  > From: "Michael J. Giarlo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  > To: CODE4LIB@listserv.nd.edu
>  > Sent: Friday, February 1, 2008 5:59:40 PM (GMT-0500) America/New_York
>  > Subject: [CODE4LIB] Call for Code4Lib 2009 Hosting Proposals
>  >
>  > Fellow code4libbers,
>  >
>  > The Code4Lib Conference Planning group [1] is putting out a call for
>  > proposals to host the 2009 Code4Lib Conference. Information on the
>  > kind of venue we seek can be found at our web page on hosting the
>  > conference [2].
>  >
>  > The deadline for proposals is Wednesday, February 20, 2008 to allow
>  > time for voting before the conference (which, it is hoped, will go
>  > more smoothly than the talk proposals vote that yours truly sort of
>  > bungled).  We expect to announce the winner during the Code4Lib 2008
>  > Conference. You can apply by making your pitch to the Code4Lib
>  > Conference Planning list [3].  May the best site win!
>  >
>  > Do feel free to send this on to interested parties and other mailing
>  > lists if you wish.
>  >
>  > -Mike
>  >
>  > [1] Which consists of anyone on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list;
>  > please feel free to
>  > join!
>  > [2] http://code4lib.org/conference/hosting
>  Carol Bean

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