Welcome John,

It's nice to have more Java folks around :-)


On Feb 9, 2008 11:13 AM, John Fereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roy's message to the web4lib list gave me a nudge that I should probably
> subscribed to Code4Lib.  Then I had a meeting yesterday in which I was asked
> to start working on a new project that would require that I do more library
> specific development (I've mostly been developing applications for the
> international agriculture community for the past few years).  The kicker
> though was reading that Eric has decided to come over to the dark side and
> has started to do some development in Java and I figured he could use some
> moral support.
> As a bit of an introduction...
> I work at Mann Library, one of the 20 unit libraries at Cornell University.
>    Albert R. Mann Library is the library for the College of Agriculture and
> Life Sciences, thus my work in the Agriculture community.  My official title
> is Programmer/Analyst Specialist, however for the past couple of years I
> have served as the Technology Strategist/Systems Architect for our
> department as well.  I develop web and standalone applications almost
> exclusively in Java primarily using the Spring Framework and SOA practices.
> I have been an active participant in the open source community primarily
> with my association with JA-SIG for about six years.  I have been serving on
> the planning committee for the upcoming JA-SIG conference (I'll have to see
> if an announcement for it has been posted yet) and have been on the
> committee for the past four conferences.  I've served as the jasig.org (and
> uPortal.org) webmaster for several years.
> Prior to working at Cornell I worked in the corporate world going back 30
> years, including 13 years at the Hewlett Packard workstation division (where
> I set up their first TCP/IP network), but my first job in the electronics
> industry was working on a production line building home Pong games at Atari.
> I have been an active participant in the Usenet community since 1985.

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe there
are two kinds of people and those who know better.

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