Hmm, just found an example where Google clearly does something wrong:
Look at:
It shows a cover and links to the wrong book !!!
The look up is based on isbn 0851992544, but this book has got isbn 0851993575 
and this is also clearly stated in the Google book info !!
If you just go to Google book search and type isbn:0851992544 in the search 
box. You will find 4 titles !! of which the first one is the one I get from the 
service I use. The second one is the correct one. If you type isbn:0851993575 
you even get 6 hits and they all seem to share this ISBN !!!
I don't know if it does a lot of these mistakes. I just ran into them and I 
only request covers if Amazon can not provide them, so occasionally, so I 
suspect this must happen pretty often or I am just lucky this time (as opposed 
to any lottery I have ever been in.)
Drs. P.J.C. van Boheemen
Hoofd Applicatieontwikkeling en beheer - Bibliotheek Wageningen UR
Head of Application Development and Management - Wageningen University and 
Research Library
tel. +31 317 48 25 17                                                           
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