We use Shibboleth to allow resident scientists to authenticate to our
wikis using the university ID/pwd, and to secure other parts of our
website to certain (resident) people.

It's been a pain - there are caching issues and users need to reload
the landing page so their identity is recognized, you need
certificates, and they need to match the hostname exactly, which
makes virtual host naming a pain.


On Mar 21, 2008, at 10:23 AM, K.G. Schneider wrote:
If you have been involved in investigating or implementing
Shibboleth --
or alternative approaches -- I'd like to hear from you.

Wearing my official chapeau I am,

Karen G. Schneider
Research & Development
College Center for Library Automation
Voice: 850-922-6044

: Hilmar Lapp  -:-  Durham, NC  -:- hlapp at duke dot edu :

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