Since I work at Cornell I should probably mention
an e-journal publishing solution that was
developed here and has been in use for many
years.  It's called DPubs (  I
haven't used it much myself but I've done some
code reviews on it and it's a well designed,
flexible, and easy to use system.  I From their feature list page:

Scalable, single platform for electronic
publishing. Supports the publication of multiple
formats from the same platform. The system comes
preconfigured to publish journals, monographs,
and conference proceedings, and it can be configured to publish other formats.

• Rich presentation features. Permits publishers
to tailor the appearance and identity of a
publication using DPubS’ rich presentation
features. Different publications on the same
system may have their own look and feel, giving
publishers and content owners subtle branding opportunities.

• Multiple business models. Supports multiple
business models: both open-access and fee-based
models, that is, subscription or pay-per-view options

• Greater exposure and visibility of
publications. Compliant with the OAI-MHP 2.0
protocol, DPubS allows OAI service providers to
harvest metadata records for its content and thus
permits implementers to share metadata with
others. Full text can easily be made accessible
to Google Scholar and other search services.

• Administrative management tools for
nontechnical staff. Staff have Web-based access
to administrative functions such as adding new
publications, defining collections, submitting
content and subscription data (for publishers or
data providers), viewing content and
subscription-data submission queues, loading
content, loading subscription data, configuring OAI services, etc.

• Interoperability with institutional
repositories. DPubS can be used to provide
publishing capabilities on top of institutional
repositories such as <>Fedora
(DSpace forthcoming early2007). This capability
can be extended to other repository systems.

• Flexible and extensible handling of file and
metadata formats. DPubS is preconfigured to work
with typical full-text file formats (PDFs, Word
files, PowerPoint presentations, HTML files,
etc.). With simple configuration, other formats
can be added, as well as metadata formats.

• Modular architecture allowing easy extension
and customization. DPubS is based on an
open-services architecture that allows for the
rapid addition of enhancements and extensions that users may develop.

John Fereira
Ithaca, NY

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