
the link you provide is for the Google API --- however, I was
referring to the Google Book Viewability API. They're unrelated, to my

My experience with the Google Book Viewability API is that it can be
invoked server-side (Google's terms notwithstanding), but requires a
user-agent that mimics an existing browser. A user agent such as the
one provided by Sun's JDK (I think it's "jdk-1.6" or some such) will
be rejected; a referrer URL, on the other hand, does not appear to be

 - Godmar

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Kent Fitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
>  The Google API can now be invoked guilt-free from server-side, see:
>  "For Flash developers, and those developers that have a need to access
>  the AJAX Search API from other Non-Javascript environments, the API
>  exposes a simple RESTful interface. In all cases, the method supported
>  is GET and the response format is a JSON encoded result set with
>  embedded status codes. Applications that use this interface must abide
>  by all existing terms of use. An area to pay special attention to
>  relates to correctly identifying yourself in your requests.
>  Applications MUST always include a valid and accurate http referer
>  header in their requests. In addition, we ask, but do not require,
>  that each request contains a valid API Key. By providing a key, your
>  application provides us with a secondary identification mechanism that
>  is useful should we need to contact you in order to correct any
>  problems."
>  Well, guilt-free if you agree to the terms, which include:
>  "The API may be used only for services that are accessible to your end
>  users without charge."
>  "You agree that you will not, and you will not permit your users or
>  other third parties to: (a) modify or replace the text, images, or
>  other content of the Google Search Results, including by (i) changing
>  the order in which the Google Search Results appear, (ii) intermixing
>  Search Results from sources other than Google, or (iii) intermixing
>  other content such that it appears to be part of the Google Search
>  Results; or (b) modify, replace or otherwise disable the functioning
>  of links to Google or third party websites provided in the Google
>  Search Results."
>  Regards,
>  Kent Fitch
>  On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 7:53 AM, Jonathan Rochkind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > This is interesting. These slides don't give me quite enough info to
>  >  figure out what's going on (I hate reading slides by themselves!), but
>  >  I'm curious about this statement: "Without JavaScript coding
>  >  (even though Google's API requires JavaScript coding as it is) ". Are
>  >  you making calls server-side, or are you still making them client-side?
>  >
>  >  As you may recall, one issue I keep beating upon is the desire to call
>  >  Google's API server-side. While it's technically possible to call it
>  >  server-side, Google doesn't want you to. I wonder if this is what
>  >  they're doing there? The problems with that are:
>  >
>  >  1) It may violate Googles terms of service
>  >  2) It may run up against Google traffic-limiting defenses
>  >  3) [Google's given reason]: It doesn't allow Google to tailor the
>  >  results to the end-users location (determined by IP).
>  >
>  >  Including an x-forwarded-for header _may_ get around #2 or #3. Including
>  >  an x-forwarded-for header should probably be considered a best practice
>  >  when doing this sort of thing server-side in general, but I'm still
>  >  nervous about doing this, and wish that Google would just plain say they
>  >  allow server-side calls.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >  Godmar Back wrote:
>  >
>  > > Hi,
>  > >
>  > > here's a pointer to follow up on the earlier discussion on how to
>  > > integrate Google books viewability API into closed legacy systems that
>  > > allow only limited control regarding what is being output, such as
>  > > III's Millennium system. Compared to other solutions, no JavaScript
>  > > programming is required, and the integration into the vendor-provided
>  > > templates (such as briefcit.html etc.) is reasonably clean, provides
>  > > targeted placement, and allows for multiple uses per page.
>  > >
>  > > Slides (excerpted from Annette Bailey's presentation at IUG 2008):
>  > >
>  > > A demo is currently available here:
>  > >
>  > >  - Godmar
>  > >
>  > >
>  > >
>  >
>  >  --
>  >  Jonathan Rochkind
>  >  Digital Services Software Engineer
>  >  The Sheridan Libraries
>  >  Johns Hopkins University
>  >  410.516.8886
>  >  rochkind (at)
>  >

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