On Thu, 3 Jul 2008, Emily Lynema wrote:

I'm looking around for tools to implement cool uris in java. I've been studying the restlet framework tonight, and while it sounds cool, I think it would also require a complete re-write of an application that is currently based on the Servlet API. And, of course, I'm working under a time crunch.

Is there anything out there to assist me in working with cool uris besides just using regular expressions when parsing URLs?

For example, I'd like to create URLs like:


instead of:


I don't know enough about what you're doing, but you can have one program handle both cases .. wherever it's doing it's input validatation, the logic is basically:

        if ( request.getQueryString )
        else if ( request.getPathInfo )


And you don't need regular expressions for processing the PATH_INFO -- as it's positional just take the string, and split on '/', and assign them to whatever the corresponding named parameter is.

Joe Hourcle

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