
Actually, SFX is probably not going to care what the title is.
> It's much more likely to care about the ISSN, volume and issue.

Yes, true. But linking to full text is only partly the issue when it comes
to using SFX in this way.  I also want to ensure that those articles that we
don't already have available in full text are directly routed to our
internal doc. delivery form (in SFX speak, using an &svc.ill=yes in the
OpenURL).  This would of course mean that however the citation got parsed is
how that form is filled out.  Incorrect title information is a problem in
this case.

Now, if the matching targets are EBSCO or Proquest, you might have a
> problem (since they accept inbound OpenURLs from SFX), but I'm not
> sure, exactly.
> How many of these things do you have?

Literally, possibly thousands. I can't divulge a great amount of detail
(there we go again with that restriction on info.) of the exact use. But
let's just say there are many very large documents (in PDF or Word), each of
which contains between 100-400 article citations, that I am working with.
Why on earth try to provide article-level OpenURLs? Well, for many reasons.
I fully realize how much of a risk that is in terms of reliability and
maintenance.  But right now I just want a way to do this in bulk with a high
level of accuracy.


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