If you are after a quick and easy proof of concept, that requires no
programming skill, then I would plump for EPrints.org - there's even a
debian package for it, which makes it really easy to install

2008/8/22 Edward M. Corrado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ben O'Steen wrote:
>> 2008/8/22 David Kane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I use EPrints, which is great.
>>> Do look out for Microsoft's offering though, which is in the pipeline.
>>>  It
>>> will be free.  Of course It will need to run on a Windows server and will
>>> be
>>> optimised for SQL Server.
>> Er.. it will *only* run on the most recent SQLServer - their repo is a
>> shim on top of SQLServers native XPath handling system, as far as I
>> could make out. From talking to them, they seem to have convinced a
>> SQLServer that it is really an RDF triplestore, and have added a few
>> gui things on top.
>> My actual advice to the first poster however, is that if you have no
>> resources (money and/or time) then don't bother with an IR - it will
>> require time, effort and probably money. If you feel up to putting in
>> that time and effort, then fantastic, but don't be mislead that it
>> won't suck up your time.
> I should have clarified... we have time to support and grow it, but not time
> to program it (since we don't have any programmers). Also, we plan on having
> money in the future, but we need to get something up and running now in
> order to convince the people with money to provide it to us for this
> purpose. Kind of a chicken and an egg thing.
> Edward
>> Ben O'Steen
>> Software Engineer,
>> Oxford University
>>> David.
>>> --
>>> David Kane
>>> Systems Librarian
>>> Waterford Institute of Technology
>>> http://library.wit.ie/
>>> T: ++353.51302838
>>> M: ++353.876693212

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