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Library and Archives Canada: A Core Partner of the Open Library Environment 
(OLE) Project

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is pleased to announce that it is 
participating in the Open Library Environment (OLE) Project joining other core 
partners, with Duke University as the project lead. 

With funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the OLE Project will develop 
a design document for a next-generation open-source library automation system 
that fits modern expectations for library workflows and is built on a modern 
service-oriented architecture. This library system will be able to meet the 
changing and complex needs of modern libraries and library users.

The small group of core partners will be highly involved in all phases of the 
project, by participating in all the activities, by engaging other members of 
the library community in planning activities and by writing the final project 
design document. 

LAC’s contribution will be significant and inclusive, as our mandate is to 
facilitate in Canada co-operation among the communities involved in the 
acquisition, preservation and diffusion of knowledge. Furthermore, because LAC 
is a national archive as well as a national library, this will bring an added 
perspective to the project, and will provide another opportunity to find 
innovative solutions to how both library and archival collections are managed 
and made accessible.

Currently, Library and Archives Canada is engaged in a multi-year project to 
evergreen and modernize its own legacy library systems and incorporate them 
with an OAIS-compliant infrastructure to ingest, store, manage, preserve and 
make accessible digital holdings.  LAC is embracing service-oriented 
architecture and Web 2.0 features as a fundamental basis for its target 
application architecture. 

“By reaching out to Canadian libraries and archives, LAC has the potential to 
contribute significantly to both the planning and build phases of an Open 
Library Management System, and to bring an additional expertise and insight to 
the project,” says Ian E. Wilson, Librarian and Archivist of Canada. “We are 
confident that our joint efforts will lead to important national and 
international innovations that better meet the needs of today’s researchers and 

The OLE project is a collaborative, community-based venture and offers many 
opportunities for individuals and organizations to participate in the project. 

You are invited to visit the OLE website at http://oleproject.org or to contact 
Gillian Cantello at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more information regarding LAC’s 
participation in the project.

Ingrid Parent                                           
Assistant Deputy Minister                               
Documentary Heritage Collection                 
Library and Archives Canada                             

Zahra Pourjafar-Ziaei
Deputy Chief Technology Officer
Information Technology Branch
Library and Archives Canada

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