In general, do members think it's best—most popular but also most
productive— to meet at a *hub* or somewhere off the beaten path?

If the former, it's Boston all the way, right? If the latter,
Portland, Maine is a really nice place to meet, and I can put a bunch
of you up at the LibraryThing house. :)


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 6:10 AM, Jay Luker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (resending - original was rejected by listserv for being too similar
> to a completely dissimilar message I sent about a week ago)
> Hi gang,
> code4libbers in the New England area are cordially invited to express
> their interest in and opinions on a regional gathering, shape and size
> TBD. So far our motives are vague and our means are humble (a single
> wiki page), but you gotta start somewhere, right?
> If you live in the Northeast and don't want to wait until the real
> thing in Providence, Feb 2009, make yourself known at
> --jay

Check out my library at

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