I posted a little while ago that I was organising a 'Mashed Libraries' event. 
Well, registration for the event is now open at 

There is no charge for the day, thanks to my employer (Imperial College 
London), sponsorship from UKOLN (http://www.ukoln.ac.uk), and the donation of 
time and space from Birkbeck College London (esp. thanks to David Flanders for 

Although the day is intended to be reasonably informal, there is a loose 
schedule for the day that looks like this:

10am Start
10-11 Dummies guide to ... (some short presentations on some of the
tech/tools that might be of use during the day - I've got some topics, but post 
requests/suggestions at 
11-4 Mashup - work in teams or individually to do interesting stuff
4-5 Round up of mashups and close

Food and drink will be supplied throughout the day as necessary (again, no 

Registration closes on 14th November.

I've had some interest shown in remote participation, and I'm happy to see what 
we can do to support this, although I'm not quite sure what form this 
participation should take - if you are interested in this, please post at 
http://mashedlibrary.ning.com/forum/topic/show?id=2186716%3ATopic%3A127 and 
I'll see what I can do (not promising anything at this stage though!)

Hope to see some of you there.

Best wishes,


Owen Stephens
Assistant Director: eStrategy and Information Resources
Imperial College London

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