On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 16:31 -0400, Joe Atzberger wrote:
> I see your SVN and raise you one git.
> http://git.or.cz/

Thanks!  I've been playing on my Dev Debian box at work w/o any version
control, but for backups and looking fwd when we have other devs, it
needed to happen.  A quick read of this page:

and I've got my first git repository!  I really like it, I don't see
anything in svn that I *need* that git doesn't provide, and I like the
simplicity of 'saving' in git:
git commit -a

Thanks for the recommendation, I think I'm going to like it.


> Phil is right though, articulate version control is the only technical
> way to keep diverse coders working on the same project.  Git takes a
> distributed approach and changes certain philosophical underpinnings
> of how to manage source.  You may have seen my LibLime coworker Galen
> present on git at the last code4lib con.  You can catch the video for
> that here:
> http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=code4lib
> +2008&so=1&sitesearch=#q=code4lib%202008%20Galen&emb=0&so=1
> Personally, I haven't found any reason to go back to SVN.  
> --Joe Atzberger
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 10:49 AM, Phil Cryer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2008-10-29 at 10:30 -0400, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
>         > Can anyone reccommend any good sources on how to do 'release
>         management'
>         > in a small distributed open source project. Or in a small
>         in-house not
>         > open source project, for that matter. The key thing is not
>         something
>         > assuming you're in a giant company with a QA team, but
>         instead a small
>         > project with a a few (to dozens) of developers, no dedicated
>         QA team, etc.
>         >
>         > Anyone have any good books to reccommend on this?
>         I would recommend you start using subversion, if you don't
>         want to/can't
>         setup your own server, there are places online you can use it
>         for free:
>         http://code.google.com/hosting/
>         http://www.assembla.com/
>         http://unfuddle.com/
>         A slight learning curve, but necessary if you want to
>         collaborate.
>         P
>         >
>         > Jonathan
>         >
>         --
>         Phil Cryer | Open Source Dev Lead | web www.mobot.org | skype
>         phil.cryer
Phil Cryer | Open Source Dev Lead | web www.mobot.org | skype phil.cryer

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